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4WSFC Asia-Pacific

May 10-12, 2022

Shizuoka City, Japan

Social Events

Girls Who Fish Japan: Bringing girls and women to fisheries

May 10, 19:30-21:00 JST


Chair/Moderator: Ratana Chuenpagdee (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)


Girls Who Fish Japan is a program inspired by the Canadian ‘Girls Who Fish’ program in Petty Harbour, Newfoundland & Labrador, programming for bringing girls and women to fisheries. Coordinated by TBTI Japan, the program members from eight to eighty years old gather together once a month at the Mochimune fishing community in Shizuoka and experience hands-on learning about the fisheries and fishing communities. The program is run through a collaboration of several organizations, institutions, projects, and networks, including Tokai University, V2V Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Fishery and Ocean, Shizuoka City, Fishing For Success, and many others. At this symposium, we’ll invite speakers representing various areas, including the government, fishers’ organizations, fisher leaders, female fishers, and experts, to discuss why Girls Who Fish program, what needs to be done, and how to cope with current issues towards gender equality and equity in fisheries.




  • Katia Frangoudes (University of Brest, France)

  • Kimberly Orren (Fishing For Success, Canada)

  • Yinji Li (Tokai University, Japan)

  • Reiko Matsuura (Shizuoka Prefectural Government, Japan)

  • Terue Kawaguchi (Shizuoka Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations, Japan)

  • Izumi Seki (Tokai University, Japan)

  • Mizuho Onuma (Uchiura Fisheries Cooperative Association, Japan)

  • Masakazu Saito (Mochimune Branch of Shimizu Fisheries Cooperative Association, Japan)


Book Launch: Life Above Water translated

May 11, 19:30-21:00 JST

LAW translation book cover_page-0001.jpg


Chair/Moderator: Ratana Chuenpagdee (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)


Life Above Water is going to Japan! Congratulations! Written by one of the founding members of TBTI, Prof. Svein Jentoft, Life Above Water offers thoughtful reflections on the issues and questions about small-scale fisheries. The book is a compilation of essays that Prof. Jentoft has written throughout his long career. It brings to the fore the meaning and value of small-scale fisheries and why we should care about them. Through the Japanese translation of this book, we would like to raise awareness of small-scale fisheries in Japan and provide an opportunity for everyone to think about appropriate governance and policies for small-scale fisheries In the Era of Big Change. After a keynote given by the author of this book, moderated talks and discussions among translation authors will follow at this launch event. 



  • Svein Jentoft (University of Tromsø, Norway)



  • Takeshi Hidaka (Kindai University, Japan)

  •  Joji Morishita (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan)

  •  Tetsu Sato (Ehime University, Japan)

  •  Ryutaro Kamiyama(Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency)

  •  Shio Segi (Konan Women's University)

  • Tamano Namikawa (Japanese Institute of Fisheries Infrastructure and Communities, Japan)

  • Yinji Li (Tokai University, Japan)


4WSFC Asia-Pacific

May 10-12, 2022

Shizuoka City, Japan

Sessions open to public

Plenary session #5: Adjusting the FOOD lens

May 12, 10:30 - 12:30 JST


Chair/Moderator: Izumi Seki (Japan) & Derek Johnson (Canada)


It is an obvious but crucial fact that small-scale fisheries produce food. The quality of that food has become increasingly important in current fisheries research: more and more attention is being given to the role of fish in a healthy diet. Yet, there is still much that we don’t know about how small-scale fisheries function as part of local and global fish-food systems. This plenary foregrounds one model that seeks to highlight the positive role that small-scale actors can play with regard to fish. This is the idea of short value chains where retailers cultivate direct relationships with fish producers and processors (or vice versa) in order to foreground a broader set of values than simply profit. Fish in this model, thus may represent societal goods associated with small-scale fisheries like family or cooperative enterprises, ecologically sustainable fishing practices, or common heritage while also potentially providing fresh, tasty, local specialities. The fish as food plenary grounds this theme of short value chains, and its potential benefits for small-scale fisheries, in an example from Shizuoka itself.



  • Miki Jitsuishi, Women's Group of Yui Fisheries Cooperative Association, Japan

  • Yasushi Mochizuki, Shizuoka Prefectural Set-Net Fisheries Association, Japan

  • Takuma Aoki, Mochimune Branch of Shimizu Fisheries Cooperative Association, Japan

  • Mizuho Onuma, Uchiura Fisheries Cooperative Association, Japan

  • Yusuke Unno, Marukai, Ltd., Japan

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